Pioneer in Malware Detections & Mitigations

  1. Cyberstanc Team Gets a Spot in the Launch of 5G Services at India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2022

    The India Mobile Congress (IMC) is one of the biggest technology events in India, attracting a wide range of companies and individuals from the mobile industry. The IMC provides a platform for businesses to showcase their latest products and services…

  2. Central Maryland Chapter

    Cyberstanc is excited to announce its upcoming collaboration with the Maryland Tech Council (MTC) and the Central Maryland Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA). This is the second time that Cyberstanc will be working with MT…

  3. OEM, MSP/MSSP & Threat Alliance Technology Partners

    Cyberstanc's Technology Partners The new partnerships aim to collaborate cyberstanc's technology among partners across the cybersecurity arena with cutting-edge detection mechanisms, live API-based ransomware threat hunting intelligence, and mitig…

  4. Scrutiny at Onefede marketplace

    Cyberstanc provides products with endpoint detection and ransomware based threat intelligence and services. Thus providing protection to platforms powered by a unique “Crypto Caging” methodology to defend against known and unknown ransomware. PR…

  5. REvil to Knock-Out Operations

    Russia's FSB agency Knock-out REvil, US "welcomes + start talks" Russian arrests of REvil ransomware gang REvil (aka Sodinokibi) is a ransomware family that has been linked to GOLD SOUTHFIELD or GandCrab APT profile, a financially motivated group th…